Net neutrality advocates gain symbolic win as Senate votes to save Obama rules. But resolution requires passage in House and Trump’s signature – an unlikely outcome before FCC’s repeal goes

The EU Could Kill Net Neutrality With a Loophole | WIRED It seems the European Union has learned little from the hard-won fight in the United States to preserve net neutrality. Today, the European Commission announced an agreement between the European Europe Votes For Net Neutrality In No Uncertain Terms Apr 03, 2014 What the End of Net Neutrality Actually Means - Knowledge

Dec 13, 2019

Save the Internet, protect net neutrality in Europe! | Archive

Net neutrality is a set of rules ensuring that wired and mobile broadband providers — primarily cable and phone companies — treat all data transmissions that go through their pipes or airwaves

13 Pros and Cons of Net Neutrality – Dec 16, 2019