
2019-1-9 · The Directory API lets you perform administrative operations on users, groups, organizational units, and devices in your account. OpenLDAP 2.4.45 发布,开源 LDAP 实现 - … 2017-6-4 · OpenLDAP 2.4.45 发布了。 OpenLDAP是一个开源的LDAP实现。这个套件包括: slapd - 独立运行的LDAP服务器端程序 slurpd - 更新复制的守护进程 libraries 实现LDAP协议的接口库 管理工具和客户端 更新内容: Adde Google secure ldap · Auth · Administration · Help · GitLab Google Secure LDAP (CORE ONLY) . Introduced in GitLab 11.9.. Google Cloud Identity provides a Secure LDAP service that can be configured with GitLab for authentication and group sync.. Secure LDAP requires a slightly different configuration than standard LDAP servers. The steps below cover:


Follow these steps: Follow steps 1–11 in ldp.exe (Windows) to install the client certificates.; Go to Action > Connect to…; Enter the following connection settings: Name: Type a name for your connection, such as Google LDAP. Connection Point: “Select or type a Distinguished Name or Naming Context” Enter your domain name in DN format (for example, dc=example,dc=com for example.com). Google

Patterns for authenticating corporate users in a hybrid

ldap + kerberos + google authentication 实现两 … 2016-10-22 · ldap + kerberos + google authentication 实现两步验证 第一步:ldap + kerberos 整合 ,参考之前的文章 第二步:google authentication 安装配置,参考之前的文章 第三步:整合 ldap + kerberos + google authentication 1. 由于sshd默认在使用了秘钥或者 Google Cloud Directory Sync Google Cloud Directory Sync enables administrators to synchronize users, groups and other data from an Active Directory/LDAP service to their Google Cloud domain directory. TestLink 配置LDAP (Active Directory) - 简书 当用户用LDAP ID 登录TestLink 默认是gust 用户,你需要admin账户调整LDAP 用户的权限。 所以你需要手动进入 mariadb container 找到users 那张表,把admin用户的‘ auth_method ’从空改为 DB,否则已存在admin无法正确登录。 LDAP搜索中的CN、OU、DC是什么? - 问答 - 云+ …