Feb 21, 2017 · There’s plenty you can do to protect your privacy and prevent hackers and intrusive companies from capturing your data. Consumer Reports brings you easy, effective solutions.

Maintaining privacy whilst online is essential in avoiding identity theft and fraud. Apart from these risks, however, there is personal information about you which you undoubtedly do not want to reveal to certain other people. OFFICE OF THE ATTNEYO R GENER AL CAIFNIL OR A DEPTMENTAR OF JUSTICE PRIVY C ENFCEMENTOR AND PECTIOT N UNIT wwwoacaovrivacy • nia law requires a commercial web site Califor that collects personal information to post a The topic of online privacy is growing in importance as people realize the long-term ramifications of not being privacy-aware. This webinar will cover why protecting one's online privacy is now so critical and what can happen when one doesn't. We'll also look at various concrete methods and tools you can use to help insure online privacy as Jul 16, 2018 · Online reputation management firms can take the burden off you by handling the regular tasks needed to protect your family online, including: Regularly monitoring each of your family members activity online, and any attacks or threats against a family member. Remove a web link that casts you or another family member in a negative manner. Mar 02, 2018 · In this post, we’re highlighting 20 ways to increase your online privacy. Some methods are significantly more extreme than others, but if you’re serious about maintaining your privacy, these There are two ways to protect your privacy if you don't want your ISP monitoring your browser queries: 1) Switch to an ISP that doesn't monitor your online data, if practicable; or 2) Get a VPN to

03:21. It doesn’t matter if you’re on your phone or your laptop, your personal information can leave a digital trail of where you go online.

Apr 09, 2002 · April 2002 by Stanton McCandlish, EFF Technology Director Vers. 2.0 - Apr. 10, 2002 Note: Mention of specific product, service or company names does not constitute EFF endorsement or recommendation. Examples and links are provided as starting points for readers, who must make up their own minds Jan 07, 2018 · When so much of your personal information is public, you automatically become vulnerable to identity theft, phishing, and other internet scams. Here are a few tips to follow for protecting your privacy online.

The Consumer Protection Division of the Attorney General’s Office protects Nebraskans from unfair, unconscionable and deceptive trade practices, ensures fair competition between businesses, and is responsible for oversight of charitable assets and entities.

Tips for protecting privacy while surfing the web, using email or social networking. The online world offers tremendous convenience, but also carries risks for privacy. Your clicks and website visits leave data trails that may be of great interest to businesses for marketing and other purposes. Many of the businesses listed on the ‘your ad choices’ page use cookies to check your current online behavioural advertising status (i.e. either “accepted” or ‘turned off’, according to your choice preferences), as well as to perform the choice you wish to exercise. By making a few simple changes to your devices and accounts, you can maintain security against outside parties’ unwanted attempts to access your data as well as protect your privacy from those