Through the Federal Court, Bell, Rogers, and Groupe TVA are hoping to obtain the first Canadian pirate site blocking order. The companies believe that website blocking is an effective way to deal with pirate sites but Internet provider TekSavvy sees things differently. The ISP describes the proposed measures as ineffective and inappropriate.

Jun 20, 2014 Whois Whois Lookup for WHOIS. Domains. Registration. Register a Domain Get your domain name now; Premium Domain Get a headstart with a prime domain name; Domain Prices Compare prices across TLDs; , DNS/Nameserver changes, and general domain support questions. The Data in the Tucows Registrar WHOIS database is provided to you by Canadian ISP Teksavvy Fights Back Against Overbroad Nov 26, 2019 | Teksavvy Solutions Inc. | AbuseIPDB IP Abuse Reports for . This IP address has been reported a total of 3 times from 3 distinct sources. was first reported on July 24th 2020, and the most recent report was 1 day ago.. Recent Reports: We have received reports of abusive activity from this IP address within the last week. It is potentially still actively engaged in abusive activities.

TekSavvy Solutions Inc 800 Richmond Street 227 rue

[fa icon="phone"] 1.877.779.1575 [fa icon="home"] 800 Richmond Street, Chatham Ontario N7M 5J5 Aug 30, 2017 · The bottom half of the “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP / IPv4) Properties” window shows the DNS settings. Select the “Use the following DNS server addresses” option. Next, type in the IP addresses for the preferred and alternate DNS servers you want to use. Here are the IP addresses for Google DNS and Open DNS: Google DNS TekSavvy Solutions Inc. is a Canadian residential, business, and wholesale telecommunications company based in Chatham, Ontario.

TekSavvy is monitoring the COVID-19 situation carefully and adding network capacity to help our customers stay connected. Our team is here to help through self-serve in the MySavvy customer portal, by email (, or by phone at 1-877-779-1575. Are you trying to find out the location of website you will find all the available technical information about this website, like the fact that it is being hosted by Microsoft Corporation on IP address in the city of Redmond. TekSavvy is monitoring the COVID-19 situation carefully and adding network capacity to help our customers stay connected. Our team is here to help through self-serve in the MySavvy customer portal, by email (, or by phone at 1-877-779-1575. TekSavvy is monitoring the COVID-19 situation carefully and adding network capacity to help our customers stay connected. Our team is here to help through self-serve in the MySavvy customer portal, by email (, or by phone at 1-877-779-1575. At TekSavvy, we know a lot! But we don’t know everything. If you ask a question and we don’t know the answer, we promise we’ll do our best to find it for you. And if you have a business need that we can’t accommodate, we’ll point you to a company that can. Our customer care centre is here for you 24/7. Get in touch any time! Teksavvy DNS down? If I leave the DNS servers as blank in my router configuration, they connect to Teksavvy's DNS servers and I can't resolve any websites. I am using Google's Public DNS ( and now and the internet works fine. Under Schedule 2 of the Order, ISPs can use "DNS blocking" or alternatively DNS re-routing; TekSavvy is using "DNS blocking" by changing TekSavvy's DNS server to point these domains directly to this page instead of where other neutral and unaffected DNS servers point.