Jan 11, 2018 · Facebook privacy: Protecting your profile picture and cover photo Every profile picture and cover photo you upload are available for anyone to see, even if you’ve set pictures to private.

Jan 11, 2018 · Facebook privacy: Protecting your profile picture and cover photo Every profile picture and cover photo you upload are available for anyone to see, even if you’ve set pictures to private. Dec 23, 2015 · Step 1: Login to your Facebook Account . Step 2: Click on Photos link at the Menu of Your Profile. Step 3: You will see all your Photos on New Window . Sep 30, 2019 · You can hide a Facebook comment from specific people, like an ex or your parents. You can hide Facebook comments that have grammatical errors. Basically, when you don’t like a comment but aren This means that your recent Facebook profile picture is default set to Public. Then you can decide to either hide each of your past profile pictures only to be seen by your Facebook friends and no longer strangers. Steps to hide Facebook Profile Picture from non friends. Facebook recent update has by default set profile pictures to custom. Feb 02, 2014 · This social media tutorial will cover how to hide your past Facebook pictures from the public, changing photo albums privacy with audience selector, and limiting old Facebook posts.

Jun 02, 2020 · Facebook has introduced a new feature that allows users to archive embarrassing photos Credit: AFP or licensors. But now a new privacy tool has been unveiled - and it means it'll make it easier to

Facebook's Audience Selector tool lets you hide images, making the shots viewable to only you. Many people use this feature to take advantage of Facebook's unlimited storage for photos, acting Here is how you hide your friends list from public and here is how to hide your Facebook posts from public and friends. So how about hiding profile picture notifications in Facebook? There is no actual setting to hide profile picture notifications, but here is a simple solution to update Facebook profile picture without notifying everyone. Login to your Facebook and go to Timeline. 2. Select photos that you want to hide on Facebook. 3.

You can't. If you have an active cover photo, it can't be made anything other than "public" under Facebook's rules. Who can see my cover photo? .

Click in the top right of Facebook. Select Settings & Privacy > Settings. In the left column, click Timeline and Tagging. Look for the setting Who can see posts you're tagged in on your timeline? and click Edit to the far right.