What is a DNS Server? Internet Networking Explained

What is a DNS Server? Internet Networking Explained May 27, 2020 Know if Google DNS or OpenDNS or Any Other is Fastest For You Feb 08, 2018

Top 10 Public DNS Servers: Google DNS vs OpenDNS vs Level3

Enter a domain or IP address here: example.com or or 2001:4860:4860::8888 Why You Might Want to Stick With Your ISP's DNS Server Many of us use public DNS servers like Google Public DNS and Open DNS for faster web browsing and other benefits. But in some cases your ISP's DNS server is much faster. Weblog Digital Inspiration

Mar 26, 2020

Top 10 Public DNS Servers: Google DNS vs OpenDNS vs Level3 Google Public DNS. Primary DNS server address - Secondary DNS server address - Google Public DNS is easily the most commonly used and widely recommended third-party DNS services, most likely because Google is such a household name and their server addresses are easy to remember. Cloudflare created the fastest public DNS beating Google